Registration Entry

Shop For Toys
Thank you for your overwhelming desire to participate this year in shopping with our team. If you've already signed up, we are working through the list as quickly as possible, but are no longer able to take shopper submissions as we are at capacity and have had our "fuel" to get you started depleted. Please prayerfully consider shopping from the Amazon wishlist as the needs are still great. Even though communications have restricted the receiving date as the 1st, we can receive until the 6th of December as the last shop is on December 8th. Your generosity is allowing many children to have a Christmas this year, and being the hands and feet (and love!) of Jesus to so many families across Duval and Clay County!
*If you have signed up prior, please keep your eyes open for an email communication coming quickly with next steps!*

We are unable to respond quickly to any shopper submissions or requests beyond 1pm on November the 11th.

Interested in this Project?

Please register each person individually using their own personal contact info.
Or, click here to return to the Serve Finder

Sorry, this opportunity is currently full.

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