The classes of your current student(s) can get credit for your gifts!
Enter the information of each student on their own line below as:
First & Last Name, Grade, Homeroom teacher
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Giving Levels |
Order of the Eagle: | $20,000+ |
Regal Circle: | $10,000+ |
Impact Partner: | $5,000+ |
1995 Society: | $1,995 |
Breakthrough Partner: | $500+ |
Friend of CCA: | $499 & Below |
Giving Frequency
Thank You For Your Support!
Gifts to the CCA Eagle Fund are considered unrestricted and unconditional.
For questions, please email, call 904-268-8667 ext. 2013, or mail to
ATTN: Brooks Biagini, Advancement Director
6045 Greenland Road, Suite 400, Jacksonville, FL 32258
(Note: Checks should be written to
Christ’s Church Academy. Tax ID # 59-1484534)
You may also give online at